Hello everyone.. welcome back to day # 17 of the Google Da Vinci Code quests
Today's challenge is being called "The Observation Challenge"
The instructions are as follows
" Jean Reno is Bezu Fache, a police Captain known for his unrelenting pursuit of the truth. Find the clip using the given search terms, watch it, and use your observational skills to seek the truthful answers to the questions.
Watch the video first here on Google videos or belowWe are given three questions. The comment is "You'll have to use wit and wisdom in your quest. Look for Sir Leigh Teabing, yet another facinating character , on Google Video.
The three questions are:
Question #1 : Speaking of fascinating characters, there's only one letter in the entire video that is clearly written in lower case. What is that letter.
You can find the answer by watching the video and observe carefully when the Mona Lisa comes in the background.
Hint: When there is "So dark is the con of man" scribbled in the background. Another hint: it is not o
Question # 2: In just one word, the noble Sir Leigh describes the persuit that both he and you are on. What is that word?
You can find the answer 16 seconds into the video.
Hint: Also, the answer is given in the instructions along with the questions. Another hint... it is in bold
Question # 3: And to bring this back to the topic of movie spectacles, how many times is Sir Leigh Teabing shown wearing his spectacles, that it?
This is pretty simple. Simple observation
Hint: The answer rhymes with a movie that came out recently... Lucky number Sleven.
Good luck solving!!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Google Da Vinci Code Quest # 17: Observation Challenge
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I just don't get it... More people who are hand-held through the challenge == less chance of winning for those of us who take the time to do it ourselves...
:( this is not gud i though i'll be the first who post comment
i had even complete before this post published.. n i keep refreshing from that time.. n now it shows already 2 comments posted .. hehe
yeah yeah above are right
way too easy today. Requires no special skills like the first dude *cough* *snicker*
i thought google randomized the questions... Also, i guess they kept the hardest for the beginning of the webquest
ya they dont randomize anymore for some reason. Also the above mentioned answers are right
Anyone watched that lucky number sleven movie student talks about?
I heard that was okay. Did nto watch the movie though. Maybe download *cough* it
the only letter in lower case: f
the one word used to describe his and our pursuit: quest
the number of times Sir Leigh Teabing is seen in his spectacles: 7
Eric P
Yeah, that was way too easy.
hey i think we should give hints but not the exact answers. Why should people get an easy answer?
Anyone who is just checking the answers and not bothering trying it for themselves is missing out on all the fun... besides, today's was so easy you'd have to be completely *cough* dense to not figure it out yourself. This blog is great just for seeing what other people thought!
Wow! one of the main arguements this blog originally had for fairness was that it never directly gave the answers away, yet the hints are sooooooo obvious it's pathetic. You ARE giving the answers away. Use your brains, people! Dont rely on easy solutions!
I apologize. I thought I knew the fine line between giving hints and giving the answers away. I will scale back the hints being given out in the future posts. Also, do you guys think I should moderate those posts/comments which give out the answers?
This time was a little too easy... I think you had it better at the start. Giving about the time or about the place is one thing... sleven is another.
Obviously this blog is NOT ruining it for ANYONE. If you don't want help with the answers, DON'T read this blog!!
If you enjoy these 'challenges', you're free to do the puzzles in any way you choose. If you get frustrated by some of the questions, this blog is an exceptionally valuable resource.
Don't be so vain as to think that being able to solve the question on this 'quest' makes you some kind of genius. It's nothing more than a marketing campagin, so the questions are made to be solved fairly easily. It's focus is to get as many people as possible exposed to the movie (and get them to come back on a daily basis, so as not to forget about it) and generate interest in the movie, not to sort out gifted puzzle solvers and give them a prize.
Thank you zanshin... exactly my words.
zanshin, i don't read the blog. i have seen the answers given out and have seen numerous forums posting links to student_rant's blog telling everyone to head here for cheats. it is very disappointing. and yes, i know life isn't fair and whatnot...i just hoped student_rant would realize why life isn't fair and why posting blatant "hints" isn't fair for such a contest that i enjoy. it's like knowing your favorite baseball team doesn't stand a chance because the other team has corked bats and is on steroids.
oh thank you student_rant mod. i guess you just don't care then...i hope you let people cheat off your papers during finals week since you're so generous! :)
I have been following this blog for a while and all this time it was more observations and suggestions than obvious hints. I think sleven was the only most obvious hint. I can list a dozen other sites where there is a question and answer session going on with respect to the da vinci webquests.Havin said that, student-rant does a pretty awesome job of being a good forum for everyone else.
For Jguerry, why dont you go and complain on those sites. Oh well, i guess you would be too tired at the end of the day complaining about this one. I remember like from last week from the comments and elsewhere, a site like googlefact.
For student, you are doing an awesome job. Dont think this blog to be like everyone else. If people just want the answers and not solve them, i am sure they know the sites. This is a niche site... the people who genuinely solve them come over here. Scale back the hints and keep up the good work
If you think this is a competition, you are sadly mistaken. Sony isn't out to create a difficult challenge in order to find the best puzzle solver. They want as MANY people as possible to answer the questions, to get as much exposure to this movie as possible. NO ONE would come back day after day if they couldn't solve the puzzles.
The questions are not that difficult and there are a lot of other sources that are blatantly giving away the answers. There are going to be a HUGE number of "finalists". This is nothing more than a random drawing for prizes. If you enjoy the puzzles then you are getting pretty much all you can get out of this 'challenge'.
Whoa Mike. Whoa aside, I think you hit all the points. Jguerry,like zanshin said(love the name) the quests are just a marketing campaign. A very good friend of mine once told me "be cool or be dead". Be cool jguerry, if i win this quest, I will mail you mine. Maybe on this ground, you will leave the rest of us in peace
Thanks for the update, zanshin. I will give you my spot jguerry, if i am one of the finalists.
msg on this post if you want to know those question-answer blogs. I will gladly give them to you. Go complain there... i will follow and support you.
Peace out brother
that's all i'm saying as well, scale back the hints. for instance, don't give a hint if it's something obvious like watching a video...hint at how to solve the curator, restoration, or symbology quests. which you have already done nicely. one would think that since you take the time to post the images, vids, and text that you do, that you would care about the contest/book and be interested in letting people learn more about the book/movie by letting them dive deeper into the quests themselves. i guess not.
Hey Josh, if i may call you that jguerry *cought*, checked out your website.Pretty neat with the binary stuff. You rolling/shaking head pic was uhum..funny too.
See, i like your above post. I think student looks at all these forum messages and i am sure the hints would be rolled back a bit.
The quest is so easy i wish it was more complicated.
Don't give answer on same day .. we can still give hints on same day ... and yes moderate the post if anyone reveal the answers...
another day u can give the answer .. i think it satisfies both the parties...
roy, thanks! did you read the binary or at least view the page source to figure it out? yeah, i really like student_rant in terms of how clean and organized he keeps everything. and i like reading what some of the other odd things google asked everyone else. i just dislike the "rhymes with s7even" hints and others that are just as obvious like "wait 15 seconds and you will hear...". btw those aren't direct quotes, just paraphrasing on this quest's hints.
many users have also posted that it doesn't matter cause it's all randomized anyways...but it's not ALL randomized. these three questions are the same on everyone's computer as well as some of the past. the only ones that are randomized are the google service-related questions.
I think Jguerry is right about the amount of info being disclosed. Hints are fine with other challenges but such obvious hints attract lazy people. This challenge is, of course, a promotional game but it's one that fans would like to win and everyone's chances are depleted when people rely on sites to give them the answers. The posts that display answers are even worse, as they require zero brainpower and put the dedicated and lazy on the same playing field. Many have said "I dont care about the prize, it's the community of problem solvers that makes this site great." if that truly is the case, a message board would do a better job of uniting the challenge solving community. The hints should be less obvious and people should not be allowed to post direct answers on this comments section
All the comments duly noted. I would definitely scale down the level of hints being given out. Thanks for the fair argument... jguerry ,Roy, Mike ,johnnny and others.
It's just that it is hard sometimes to figure out which questions are the ones being random. I guess it's usually the trivia questions and other puzzle questions which are random and the chess challenges usually have the exact same questions. I will try to be more cautious in the future and edit out any direct hints I might give in future posts if everyone else has the exact same questions.
Thanks everyone
This is NOT a random prize draw... The winner will be the person who is 1) among the first 10,000 people to 'register' and 2) is the **FIRST** person to solve the final puzzle that is presented to the finalists... This is definately a SKILLED CONTEST!
dude... are you kidding me, there is no first person to finish the contest wins.. there are no rules like that
The Grand Prize Winner will be determined by the amount of time needed by a Finalist to complete the Final Puzzle Challenge ("Final Puzzle")...
Final Phase and Grand Prize Winner Determination:
Final Phase: The Final Puzzle Challenge is a skill-based, time-sensitive series of five puzzles which must be completed in sequence. The Final Puzzle Challenge will be made available to Finalists starting on or about 1:00 p.m. EDT on Friday May 19, 2006 and must be completed by 1:00 p.m. EDT on Sunday, May 21, 2006 ("Final Puzzle Time Period"). Finalists must log into the Final Puzzle Challenge using the Google ID used on their Official Contest Entry. Finalists who do not log in and complete the Final Puzzle Challenge during the Final Puzzle Time Period or do not log in using their Google ID from Phase 1 are ineligible to participate in the Final Phase and compete for the Grand Prize.
Once a Finalist logs into the Final Puzzle Challenge and clicks "Begin" the Finalist will be timed. Timing will stop when the Finalist correctly and sequentially completes all five puzzles and clicks "Submit." DO NOT PAUSE, LOG OUT OR RESTART THE FINAL PUZZLE CHALLENGE. Finalists who attempt to pause, log out or restart the Final Puzzle Challenge will be instantly disqualified and ineligible to continue playing.
The Finalist who correctly and successfully solves the Final Puzzle Challenge in the least amount of time (as measured by the official computer determining timing) will be declared the Grand Prize Winner.
Read the damn rules next time... http://flash.sonypictures.com/movies/davincicodequest/us/rules/
thank you Student_Rant for listening to us. i know it's impossible to stop you from doing such blogs and i seem to be wasting my own time since the masses seem to agree with the "if you don't like what you see, leave" idea, but i am glad you actually are listening to your feedback. thanks and keep up the clean layout
Just scanned through the rules...did everyone see this bit....?
Okay, yes, we all can see the rules...The prizes will go to a person who finishes those last few "challenges" quickest. Of course those will be the only tough challenges in order to keep some separation between finish times. Until then, the proverbial "THEY" will attempt to keep as many people interested as possible, so they will appeal to the masses by dumbing down a potentially relevant, difficult, and beneficial game to a 7th grade level....like the newspaper.
Am I the only English person then that now feels they are wasting their time! Have to finish the quest though even though I cant enter the competition! lol
Peoples from UK/US/Australia are eligible for competition
when u visit first time u might ask to choose ur country (http://flash.sonypictures.com/movies/davincicodequest/)
P.S. : Thanks for your Feedback Student. Agreed with jguerry.
The contest is split in three, US, UK and Australia. I checked the rules on the Uk one and it says:
1. Open to residents of the UK, ROI, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, aged 18 and over, but not to employees and their immediate families of Sony Pictures Releasing, its agent or anyone else connected professionally with the promotion.
also note this rule on the UK rules:
9. Winners drawn randomly and under independent supervision, from all entrants who have correctly completed all 24 puzzles, and notified within 28 days of the closing date.
Aussie rules are also different: http://flash.sonypictures.com/movies/davincicodequest/au/rules/
It doesn't mention the final game on the UK and Australian rules, but I hope we get to play it anyway, despite the prize draw being random.
Student: I appreciate the hints that you've given me when I've been stuck (luckily not too often as of yet) and the way you've hinted, I haven't felt like you've made it too easy, it's still involved me searching around, but I've had more of a clue what I'm looking for.
Only exception being with the rhyme on this challenge, but then it was such a simple question that people could have guessed until they get it right anyway.
So thanks and keep it up!
Aussie rule number 5:
This competition is a game of skill. Chance plays no part in determining the winners. All entries will be judged based on creativity & originality and the adherence to the word limit. The best valid entries, as determined by the judges, will win. Judges' decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
I guess our final game is different.
Adherence to the word limit, eh?
A literary challenge... ?
Losing faith in this blog...why are people posting the answers?!
I personally find the tips in the observation, geography and chess very useful, while the other 3 usually I don't need much help. The tips simply point us frustrated ones to the right direction.
If you are frustrated about having people give out the answers, I recommend you NOT to visit these sites. They will obviously design the final challenge to the prizes in such a way it's hard for the competitors to interact at the same time.
Good job, student, and to everyone else's comments, I see your point, but I stand on mine.
PS: The quest is very much a marketing ploy, on top of all the normal marketing that goes in for a predicted blockbuster.
Student I think you are doing an awesome job with this blog. Even during your finals you had time to write in - amazing. This is all in fun and I enjoy reading your hints. The others who list the answers here - well that can be a downer. But as another poster wrote you can search for the answers on other web sites as well. I guess the way to avoid reading the answers before we get them is to wait until after we've finished the puzzle to read the comments.
I love your site - you are doing an outstanding job. Thank you!
12 minutes and counting.... to the next puzzle........
FYI, the answer to where the map is looking at is London. Where the blades are I have no idea.
doneeeeee waiting for post student.. n pls. consider this my 1st post for today puzzle :P
Er.. As in.. The answer to the first part of Day 18 that is..
NM. Figured it out.
4 Blades are easy to find, and they mark an X over the "Imperial College"
easy :P
i can find 3 blades but not the 4th ... two are on the bottom of the map and a third is on the left edge of the map
So, to spell it all out
The puzzle is easy to solve. I wont tell you how to solve that.
The clue in the puzzle was that "Look to Hyde in the north", which refers to Hyde Park in London, England. Google map london england and you can see where the mini map is.
The 4 Blades are easy to find, just look for triangles that are not in the google map version. One is tricky, but is doable.
Using google maps, instead of using satellite use.. Map and where the 4 blades point will have a name.. "Imperial College".
Enter it in and you are done.
Sorry for so many comments :P
"i can find 3 blades but not the 4th ... two are on the bottom of the map and a third is on the left edge of the map "
The one you are looking for is hidden in a bigger triangle in the park I think. Try that.
Scott u r amazing man.. Vert fast..
Did anyone else have difficulty getting 17 to load? Mine just flat out refuses to load up. I completed 18 just fine, but 17, can't even start. Help!
this is fun.
a great distraction from work!!
i don't care about the prize, which is good i guess, since i'm from CANADA.
damn, this always happens!!
I just don't get it... More people who are hand-held through the challenge == less chance of winning for those of us who take the time to do it ourselves...
Actually, not really... in fact, the more people that are hand-held through the first phase of the challenge, the greater the chances of winning the grand prize are for those of us who worked through them (not that the challenges are difficult or anything). Think about it... if you already have practice working through the challenges, you should have less trouble getting through the final phase. If everybody other than you who makes it to the final phase was hand held through the first phase, you will probably win!
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