Hello everyone... welcome back. On a personal note, I just got done with the last of my finals. I guess you might have noticed that in the last couple of days, I was trying to be brief at the best with respect to the puzzles. Sometimes I posted the wrong quest number... stuff like that. Well, finals done, let's get rocking on the quests.
We are approaching the final stretch of the Da Vinci Code webquests starting today. Today's quest is the Symbol ChallengeThe instructions are as follows
"Tom Hanks is professor Robert Langdon, an expert on the interpretation of symbols.
Use your logic skills and drag the symbols onto the grid such that the symbols in each row are all distinct, the symbols in each column are all distinct, and the symbols in each shaded region are all distinct. Some symbols may have already been placed and cannot be moved.
Okay, let's get started...
Today's challenge looks definitely like a good challenge. The number of blocks have increased. We now have a 6 x 6 block with 6 unique symbols... the new addition being a key looking symbol. NOTE: The puzzle and the location of the symbol might vary on your screen. However, follow the approach and you should be all set.Step # 1: Look for the region with the maximum number of symbols already placed, whether a row or a column or a shaded region. Using my example, I will approach column 1 first with four symbols already placed and fill them up with 2 more unique symbols
Step # 2: Next, i approach the region with the max symbols already placed. This would be the dark red shaded region on the top. Fill them up with unique symbols taking care of the row and column requirements too. Also, I finish up the first row which now has 5 symbols already placed and fill it up with the unique symbol for that row.
Step # 3: Now its a lot more trickier with a max of 3 symbols in any region. A good approach would be finish up the corners and then come towards the middle. So I go for the last column on the right hand side which has 3 symbols already placed in them.
Step # 4: Again, a similar dilema with a max of 3 symbols placed in any region. Now with both our extreme ends filled, don't go for the bottom row. Approach a shaded region with the most symbols in it. I go for the light brown shaded region knowing that once i am done with that, I will have more information for the next rows. Fill the region with 3 more unique symbols taking care of the row and column requirements and the shaded region requirements.
Step # 5: Next, i finish out row 4 which just needs 1 more symbol and also row 3 which needs 2 more symbols. Once i am done with this, I am also done with the brown shaded region.
Step # 6: Now, i finish out column 5 which has 5 symbols already placed and with that row 2 which has 4 symbols placed.
Step # 7: Now, towards the end, approach towards filling up the columns instead of the shaded regions. Finish up the remainder.Next, we are asked our trivia question.
During his Italian Journeys, William Dean Howells visits the Protestant ragged schools at this city.
We are told to search for this information using Google Book Search. A quick query gives me the answer to the name of the city.
NOTE: The trivia question on yours might be different. Open up Google Book Search and then type in the part of the question given in bold and if you don't get the answer, follow it up with the name of the author.
Good luck solving !!
Friday, May 05, 2006
Student Rant: Google Da Vinci Code quest # 19: Symbol Challenge
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12 min and counting ...
i dunno
I got it.
Languria wine
In William Dean Howell's Italian Journeys, modern Rome appeared, first and last, to be hideous.
In William Dean Howells' Italian Journeys, modern Rome appeared, first and last, to be hideous.
done.. thought of posting the completed screenshot somewhere. Student beat me to its posting
where are u johnnnyyy
m solving :( m stuck on 1st part :p *phew* let me concentrate pls :P
I found this puzzle very easy for some reason.
Solveddddd woo00 i dont know why i stuck in that symbol part :@
anways :P it happens sometimes
For 2nd answer try to find in MSN Encarta ;)
this is sooooo hard! i'm not getting as many filled in symbols as student-rant did for some reason. i keep getting a new puzzle but no luck! =(
My question was Who is the Leonardo's scientific counter part in upper italy?
google is playing wid us eh
hey brandon! did u got the same question?
just had seen ur post .. brilliant.. n yes questions are different .. n btw thnx for ur pre quest post to give us a chance to discuss before solving quest ;) gud work dude!
I love the symbols challenges too bad it the end of those. This one was more challenging but I loved it. The question was pretty easy I just did the search with the author because the first search only found one city and that was Dublin...not it Italian Journeys I am afraid...
Finally got it!!! Here's my question and the answer... so if you don't want to know, don't look.
Yet another question:
According to William Dean Howells' Italian Journeys, this language is de rigueur in all the shops on the Corso.
I found it really easy to find. Do a book search for Italian Journeys and search within the book for de rigueur in all the shops on the Corso. You don't have to do too much reading ;).
I got this question after solving Google Da Vinci Code quest # 19: Symbol Challenge
During Italian Journeys of 1867, William Dean Howells walks up and down which city?
I found the answer here:
Another strategy that I've found works is to first go through and place symbols that have no other place to go. Every puzzle is different, but in every one there should be pieces that directly have no other place to go, or by thinking ahead a few "moves", have no other place to go. Once those pieces are in place, there should be another "round" of pieces you can place in the same way. If you think ahead when choosing a place for symbols that have more than one option, you can usually narrow it down to a single possible square.
In his Italian Journeys, what emotion does William Dean Howells' first view of the ruins in the Forum bring?
I solved the puzzle, but I'm stuck with the question. Question : During his Italian Journeys of 1867, William Dean Howells spends this length of time in Pompeii
I read through the book and even a section called A day in Pompeii. But it isn't the right answer. From another page in the book, i thought it was 7 hrs - that isn't the correct answer either. Does anyone have any other clues?
Ooooooooopppppsssss..My connection got lost and I'm starting all over again :-(
But thanks for the suggestion
Im stuck on "According to William Dean Howells' Italian Journeys, this language is de rigueur in all the shops on the Corso." AAARGGGGG
Finally got it!!!!
this language is de rigueur in all the shops on the Corso - English is de rigueur
What time everyday do the puzzles come out?
10am pst
dont rule out at 9x9 logic puzzle in the last part of the quest
There will not be a 7x7 puzzle, due to the fact that it is almost always impossible to solve without an advanced truth table.
Another way of looking at the puzzle is to think of it like a sudoku puzzle; every symbol will turn up once in every row and column. The outlined shapes actually help narrow down the possiblities as it is another limiting factor in placing the symbols.
I got a Williams Dean Howells question, too. The Google Book search using the emphasized words, the book title and the author's name brought up the answer immediately.
today's was fun, not an easy puzzle, and actually a reall search 'smart' search querry to find the anser to the trivia.
wish there were more symbol ones...
my trivia was about the Wine.
Help!!! Did anyone get the question: What chief Italian Virtue does author William Dean Howells learn on his Italian Journeys?
The level of the symbol puzzles varies immensly! I was totally stuck on the first one I was given (for the first time in this quest) as there were not many symbols already in place, I could only find places for 2 more myself before being totally stumped. I eventually gave up and got a new puzzle, I solved it in probably under a minute!
Anonymous said...
Help!!! Did anyone get the question: What chief Italian Virtue does author William Dean Howells learn on his Italian Journeys?
I got the same one, the answer is "Patience" and boy did it take a lot of it!
Can anyone please help with how long howell stayed in pompeii...I am stumped..cannot find that one
I went to http://www.gutenberg.org/files/14276/
its a complete text of the novel. Just do a search for the bold phrase.
sulking..... so enjoyed the symbol puzzles and now they have ended...what am I going to do ..........
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