Hello folks! Welcome back to another day of Da Vinci Code webquests!Today's challenge is being called as "Symbol Challenge"
The instructions are as follows
"Tom Hanks is professor Robert Langdon, an expert on the interpreation of symbols.
Use your logic skills and drag the symbols onto the grid such that the symbols in each row are all distinct, the symbols in each column are all distinct, and the symbols in each shaded region are all distinct. Some symbols may have already been placed and cannot be moved"
So far so good. The instructions are exactly like quest # 1.Here is what the symbol challenge looks like.
Note: The location of the symbols might vary on your screen as Google likes to randomize them. However the approach i will describe remains the same irrespective of the location of the symbols.
Step # 1: Unlike quest #1 where there were four shaded regions, this one has 5. At the same time, we also have 5 symbols. The initial step would be the find the shaded region with the most symbols in it. This would be the brown shaded region. Fill in the two remaining symbols in that shaded region, making sure that the symbol is unique to that row.
Step # 2: Next, once we do that, we see that the fourth column has been filled with four symbols. Fill in the unique fifth symbol.
Step # 3: Next, approach the first row. Fill in the two unique symbols there.
Step #4: Next, fill in the light grey, inverted L shaded region.
Step # 5: Next, fill in the third row, taking care of the concerns of the light green shaded region.
Step # 6: Next, take care of the third column. Finish up the red shaded region, then the fourth column. The fifth row, then the fourth row.
Finally, we are doneWe are next asked the trivia question.
" To the nearest marathon, what is the radius of Pluto in marathons?"
For this you need to google search Radius of pluto. Next, check out the length of a marathon in Wikipedia.
Take care that the units of measurement are the same. Take kilometers since the google search gives the radius of pluto in that units.
Whip out you calculator, round of to the nearest number. Hint: The answer is the number of days in february.
This was the hardest challenge so far. This is due to the increased number of symbols. Took me three tries with different approaches to the get the correct answer finally.
If any of you guys have a different picture or different location of symbols please post it here or email me so that i can add it.
Until then, good luck solving!!
UPDATE: One of the readers informed me that the question asked in the end is random. However, google can solve this for you. All you need to do in the end is copy and paste the part of the question in bold ( in my case: radius of pluto in marathons) and you get your answer.
Thanks Punkdigerati!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
The Da Vinci Code quest # 7 on Google
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I apologize. Student Rant was down for an hour. I forgot to change the settings from wordpress to blogger.
Enjoy quest # 7
Two things, the question at the end of the puzzle is randomly selected, and they are all calculatable using google calculator, just copy and paste the bold text into google and let it do the rest.
Yeah, I got "How many slugs in 11,260,917 grains" (and a link to the google searc, where the calculator gave the correct answer)
My questions was how inches would 2905 didot points be. Pretty easy to figure out.
Hint: answer to the ultimate question of life, plus one.
mine was different, i said, "to the nearest nanosecond, wat is Mark Twain divided by the speed of light.
it was pretty easy tho...
answer was 1.2.
I had the same question as student. Maybe they have a limited pool of random questions. However like he said, the google calculator gave the right answer
I had, how many degrees in 1500 arc minutes. In degrees minutes and seconds a minute is 1/60 of a degree. Simple enough.
Two cents from me:
1. google gave me right answer for the first question: http://www.google.com/search?q=what%20is%20the%20radius%20of%20Pluto%20in%20marathons%3F
2. I have got a different numeric question: How many grains in 4 great gross drams ? (http://www.google.com/search?q=how+many+grains+in+4+great+gross+drams)
I Think You Have done a good job ..
I had 10879 fortnights are how many years, or something to that effect.
i don't like what you or your the people commenting are doing. this contest would increase my chances of winning if people like you didn't spoil the fun for everyone. some people like me actually put some effort into this. to think that some 17yr old kid who googles for 'Da Vinci Code Inquest Cheats' and quickly copies all of the answers you have posted has just as good as a chance as myself, blows. please stop doing this. would you want your future son or daughter to get good grades by cheating all of the time and have no knowledge of the subject matter?
your blog is very annoying. maybe after the contest is over you can post all of the cheats. i wish google would have put a time limit on each trivia that way if you missed out, you missed out.
e-mail me at nospam@jguerry@nosmamplease@gmailDOTcom
Jguerry, I understand your concerns. However, I think that you are being very narrow minded by thinking that your success in these webquests is dependent on other people's failure to solve them. Unlike some other websites out there, Student Rant does not and will never give out direct answers anywhere to any of the webquests. People always need to put in their own individual effort to solve the puzzles and this website steers you, if you ever get stuck, in the right direction. So far, the quests have been very simple, but, down the line when they get harder, this blog would be a good water point. If you get stuck somewhere down the line, make sure you swing by...
I agree with Jguerry, the challenge's slogan is "Only the worthy will prevail." those who cannot solve the puzzles should accept defeat and not use a site like this to just cheat their way through. As for the "hints" on this site, they are so obvious that it is near impossible not to comprehend them. "Big Apple", come on! It is not fair for the truly dedicated who want to win to have the exact same chance as someone who relies on cheats to complete all 24 puzzles on the last day. This site and others like it give an unfair advantage to those lazy enough to not solve it on their own. If down the road the puzzles are harder, intellect should separate the finalists from the others, and sites like this just blend the worthy and the unworthy. I hope you can see my point and consider the consequences of this site on the more lazy people in this contest.
I didn't take a picture of the puzzle but it was pretty simple. like a Sudoku with only five symbols and odd shaped groups. Only took me one try to solve.
My question was: "To the nearest whole number, how many exometers does light travel over a century."
I disagree that this was the hardest challenge. It was nice to get a math question that I could actually solve and not have to wath some video to find some obscure symbol name.
by the way, the answer to the question can be found this way: (299792458*60*60*24). this gives meters per day. in one hundred years, there will be 25 leap years so there are (365*100)+25=36525 days. multiply these two together and get 946,073,047,258,080,000 meters. An exameter is 10^18 meters. so there are .946 exameters in a century. round to the nearest number. you could have left out the leap years and still got the same answer since it is rounded...
my trivia question is"what is 7994 tablesppons in the emperial gallons"
it's easier than yours^^
I use two coversion site to solve quiz.
first,cover 7994 tablesppons to us gallons.then use link2 to thansform us gallon to emperial gallons.finally type the proximate number caculated.
thank you Rant:)
I disagree with anonymous and Jguerry. I think if you came across this site and used this page, you're taking your own fun away. Besides, I found this more or less as just a community who is enjoying the 'challenges' together. I don't necessarily use the site for the answers, but to talk about it after having done so.
I got, "What is 76 stones in slugs?"
Thank god for google calculator. I'd never heard of a slug[1].
[1] Well, apart from the obvious.
my random question was "665 footcandles in lux rounded to a whole number" answer is: 7158
I got "What is an exagram over 250 teragrams?"
if this were a pure "puzzle solver" or "da vinci code trivia", then jguerry has a point... but since it's a mixture of various things, studentrant is doing a useful service. Not everyone with a high IQ is necessarily a chess genius.
in addition, the fact that google's shuffling the puzzles and the final question shows that they are fully aware of blogs like this, and i can see by the last set, things will get hard enough such that it won't be easily "explained away" unless you know what you are doing.
and finally, my question was "to the nearest integer, what's Pi percent of the speed-of-sound at sea-level in miles-per-hour" :-)
agree with anonymous
Jguerry, how did you come by this page?
I completely agree with Jguerry, I believe that if this site is giving out the answers to this webquest, I might as well not do it. This site giving out answers means that my chance of winning is greatly reduced. I am not happy about that, and I am starting a petition to have this site stoped, you can sign it by clicking here. Please support this petition, and please help stop these sites.
To me it asked about: "the golden ratio squared minus the golden ratio?", I was almost quiting, then wrote on google "the golden ratio squared minus the golden ratio?" and it gave me the answer in the top next to the calculater pic
in which century are Jguerry, tim, & anonymous living? you have some idea that things like this are part of the world? besides, as someone pointed out: how did you FIND this site, unless you were LOOKING for help? ? ?
For those who are upset about presumed "spoiler" sites like this one, they obviously have no consideration for exactly what the Internet is - and why Google is so wildly successful.
The Internet is the largest compendium of human knowledge (and scurge - depending on your perspective) ever compiled. It ranks with the printing press and the camera in having the ability to distribute information without regard to the status of the viewer.
If they want better odds, they should find another "challenge". I cannot imagine Google having any issue with this blog or others discussing the Challenge. That is all part of our community.
GET OVER IT and join the team.
The next recovery puzzle is really easy, but you actually have to think a bit - like the triangle solitaire puzzle - to combine the marks which are "one space apart." For some reason the game doesn't let you choose ALL marks that are one space apart.
My trivia questions is "What is the fourth root of a googol, divided by a crore, divided by a lakh, divided by a milliard?"
I am old enough to be your mother!
But with the help of your Blog, I'm giving it my best shot!
Ha, Ha!
I got the answer! It's 10,000
Anonymous (supporter of jguerry) again...
While parusing wikipedia for info on my favorite upcoming movie(Da Vinci Code), I stumbled upon the link to this site under the webquests section. I assure you I was NOT looking for any help. I wasn't even looking for info on the webquest. The link was there, however and i needed to see how much it revealed. I was immediately shocked that someone would do this to help people who were too lazy to work on the puzzle with their own minds and diligently devote time to hopefully winning this amazing competition. The competition is for those worthy and dedicated enough to win, not those lazy enough to be dragged through the whole thing by cheats. There are some lazy people who do use this site for answers even if some of you don't. These people are not worthy of winning the competition. I am also not saying that everyone who is smart is a chess genious, yet I myself relied entirely on my knowledge of Da Vinci Code to get by that challenge, as the creators realized that some people may not know the rules of chess and created an alternative means of winning. I used the questions even though i myself knew the rules of chess. This competition was not designed to be impossible, each puzzle you will be able to do on your own. No doubt in time they will get even more difficult, yet cheating by using this site is not the way one should win the challenge. Rely on your intellect, not on some site!
jguerry and all his supporters, you guys seriously need to take a chill pill. I play this game, the quests for fun and not to win some retarded prize or a crypt. although that would be cool... play the game for fun man, don't be like i need to win along with 9999 other people and the rest of the retards can squirm while i have a good time.
Not a good spirit...enjoy life dude
In regard to the messege left by anonymous...
Anonymous said...
in which century are Jguerry, tim, & anonymous living? you have some idea that things like this are part of the world? besides, as someone pointed out: how did you FIND this site, unless you were LOOKING for help? ? ?
9:43 AM
Anonymous, I am living in the 22nd century, where there are no challenges in everyday life. Even if there is a webquest or other competition, the answeres can be found on the net. Like another uspporter of Jguerry, I found this site through Wikipedia while searching for information on my favourite book and author. To gohan, i am trying to enjoy life, by winning a contest; and i don't need thousands of people entering it who may not have even read the book! Please sign the petition here, and Student Rant, please consider stopping the showing of answers. If you need to contact me, please email here.
To whomever is bitching about helpful hints for this stuff....um, hi...how did you come across this unless you looked for hints yourself? What's up, hypocrite?! Quit whining and realize that some people would rather have more fun getting un-stumped than pissed off. Same goes for video games. I think a good deal of us try our best to figure it out on our own, and then anger takes over...if you get angry, it's not worth it. Search for help. Big deal. It's called being resourceful. If you're bitching about people posting some clues, you obviously looked for it yourself in the first place. Shut the F up.
There are two classes of people who enter contests. Those who do it to win and those who do it for the challenge. With respect to those who do it for the challenge, this site is a nice benchmark - to create a community for those entering a contest (because contests traditionally. The expectation of those in this second group is to do their best to finish the tasks and then share their progress and efforts with those of the group.
As for the first group - this site is necessarily a hindrance to them. The implicit idea of fair play is a great goodness and ideally should be reinforced. The interesting thing is that the internet provides a unique opportunity for anyone to 'cheat' and this is where the above discussions come from. So one aspect of the resolution comes from self-policing. Honorable people do this (if their goal is to be rewarded through the successful accomplishment of the contest). But another aspect of the resolution comes from the source of the contest itself, in this case google. Out of all the questions I have seen answers provided for, my questions were different - and so I seek Google doing this very thing. I expect (and hope) that the second half of the game is significantly harder so that sites like this can truly be exactly what I mentioned before: an opportunity for community. And those who use sites like this will thus be ruined because there will be enough questions that community sites such as this won't have the answer: best of both worlds.
And in response to those of you who don't like sites like this: realize that, although you may 'rid the world' of this blog's helping hand, the fact is that there are others out there that provide the answers as well.
It is the nature of the internet, as it is currently implemented, to provide information that is either commerically or personally valuable. Contests tend to be both.
http://www.onlineconversion.com is very useful for some of the questions on this one.
And if anyone has a problem about using the internet to get answers, what did we do in the past? We went to the library and looked up what a footcandle or a lux was, and did the maths by hand. Google et al represents progress. Wakey wakey.
szonic, i have already answered that question, don't waste time by writting that.
Anonymous, you wrote
"There are two classes of people who enter contests. Those who do it to win and those who do it for the challenge. With respect to those who do it for the challenge, this site is a nice benchmark - to create a community for those entering a contest (because contests traditionally. The expectation of those in this second group is to do their best to finish the tasks and then share their progress and efforts with those of the group.
As for the first group - this site is necessarily a hindrance to them. The implicit idea of fair play is a great goodness and ideally should be reinforced. The interesting thing is that the internet provides a unique opportunity for anyone to 'cheat' and this is where the above discussions come from. So one aspect of the resolution comes from self-policing. Honorable people do this (if their goal is to be rewarded through the successful accomplishment of the contest). But another aspect of the resolution comes from the source of the contest itself, in this case google. Out of all the questions I have seen answers provided for, my questions were different - and so I seek Google doing this very thing. I expect (and hope) that the second half of the game is significantly harder so that sites like this can truly be exactly what I mentioned before: an opportunity for community. And those who use sites like this will thus be ruined because there will be enough questions that community sites such as this won't have the answer: best of both worlds.
And in response to those of you who don't like sites like this: realize that, although you may 'rid the world' of this blog's helping hand, the fact is that there are others out there that provide the answers as well.
It is the nature of the internet, as it is currently implemented, to provide information that is either commerically or personally valuable. Contests tend to be both."
Anonymous, these sites are stopping us from winning, and stopping the people who view this site from truthfully and honestly completing this webquest. Google says that only the worthy will complete the quest, but it isn't a challenge to view this site and get the answers. I know that other sites are out there providing answers, but do you really expect me to write to all of those sites? Please, don't view this blog, it just causes you to complete a quest without doing any work. Please feel free to contact me at timanonymous@gmail.com
Or you could just type into google "the radius of pluto in marathons", or whatever your specific puzzle has bolded.
Google Calculate does it for you.
FYI mine was something along the lines of "Pi * the circumference of the earth in furlongs"
jguerry here...i'm sorry that i have offended this site and its supporters. i found this site via a link featured on digg.com when someone announced that the da vinci code quest had started. if i remember correct, digg's users were commenting on how they couldn't figure out the very first trivial questions. someone posted a link to this blog and said pretty much, "this student will be posting all of the answers!". i followed the link to see how bad it was and indeed, you are practically giving away the answers. of course, i also realize that the quests were made to incorporate google search into the puzzles so that google's services could be introduced to others who did not know of such services. so, i understand you aren't necessarily cheating when googling the bold terms, EVEN if you found this page via google. i was just hoping that you would refrain from posting such obvious hints for the many lazy people that will find this site via a friend or a bold link via digg.com...if you guys/gals want to talk about it, just talk about it. it would just be a lot funner if this site didn't exist. i'm sorry for picking your site out of the presumed many that are blatantly (more so than yourself) giving out answers to the quests. i hope you understand what i am trying to convey. e-mail at jguerry@AT@gmailDOT........com
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