Welcome back everyone. We are turning into double digits today in number of quests. If you survived this far, give yourself a pat.Today's challenge is being called as "Observation Challenge".
The instructions are as follows
"Jean Reno is Bezu Fache, a police Captain known for his unrelenting persuit of truth.
Find the clip using the given search terms, watch it, and use your observational skills to seek the truthful answers to the questions."
The observation challenge asks you to watch a video on Silas. Locating the source for these facts simply takes persistence and a strong dedication to an ideal. Silas's video is at your service on Google Video. To watch this video, go to Google videos and then search for silas. It is the second video on the first row. If you are too lazy, here is the direct link to the video on Google videos.
UPDATE: Some of you complained that you cannot watch the video at Google Videos. I have uploaded the video here.Once you are done watching the video, we are told to answer three questions. The questions are as follows:
Question # 1: A seemingly important stone object is extracted from the ground by Silas. What is its shape?
This is the easiest question to answer. Look in the video. The shape has 8 edges.
Question # 2: An interesting viewpoint is the vantage point from which we see Silas. What is the last thing we see him touch?
He touches something towards the end of the video. The first reaction would be to answer water. However, you see a cross in the background. This is what google means by vantage point. So what kind of water is in a church... in a HOLY place.
Question # 3: During the action in the video, we see many things being shattered and destroyed, but what is it that will ultimately be broken?
Okay, for this I had to watch the video a couple of times. However, the hint comes just before Robert Langdon says "Dear God" in the video. He says that 29 seconds into the video. Watch for the statement and your answer will be found.
Good luck solving!!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Google Da Vinci Code Quest # 10 : Observation Challenge
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thanks! I had a had time on third one too. I didnt think the answer was in the video and all sorts of answers came into my mind like the quest will be broken or cryptex or secret. Found the answer in the video
Alright. I've watched the video more than a few times and can't seem to figure out the third answer. Can somebody give me a little better hint?
Watch the video again. Like he mentions, I watched the video through google videos, and at around 29 sec into the video, Tom Hanks character... Robert Landgon says "Dear God". Your answer is just before he says that... where
"******* would be broken" is being said in the background
Thanks brandon. I think I realized my problem. I had my sound turned off. Once I turned it on, it was a cinch. Thanks again.
is there a closed caption version? what about those of us who are deaf or at work? i'm not deaf, i'm at work :)
man... that took me a while.. i kept thinking he said sion, as in the priory of sion
no, seriously, i can't get sound. can someone give me a hint on #3? i could do the first 2 without sound.
dude it's a secret
Hah, you practically gave away the answer. I'm at work, firewalled up the arse. Good thing I checked your comments.
That's a good point...how is a deaf person supposed to get this? ;)
I'm in a training center where the PCs have no speakers. :\
Starts with an S and means quiet
hahah thanks!
thank you!
Anyone care to give another hint on the first (not so really obvious) question for a non-English speaker?
Many thanks...
Thanks guys, I would have never gotten it if you people didn't give me hints. I don't have sound either. Good thing you are here!!
dude.. for the first question.. just google i guess" what is something is has 8 edges called". It starts with O
I am trying to figure them out without having sound or video, so your comments are quite helpful. Thanks!
Or ask your 3 yr old kid "Hey kid, what's the shape with 8 sides called?"
kid would reply" just be GONE fella"
The third answer is the Da Vinci Code. If that doesn't work for you, stop looking for free answers and watch the damned video.
hey anonymous stop confusing people with the third answer
okay blatant hint coming up.. remember in kindergarden when you were being an mischevious brat ... the teacher would come up and say
" i need some S****** from you brat"
Also when looking for the video, you could have taken the bold words in the text at the top of the page with the questions and searched for them in video.google.com
That would take you to the silas video.
I too was having a problem with sound, and couldn't hear anything from the video.....then it hit me.
thanks for the help.
Hello Student_Rant. Can you please post the facts of what happened at Wikipedia at the foot of the following page. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:The_Da_Vinci_Code
Apparently common sense and fairness is not reason enough to reverse what Googlefact deleted - there needs to be a concensus of opinion (rolls eyes), so if you and a few others post reasonable reasons as to what happened and why Googlefact's and nobody else's links should not be permitted to remain on the page as they are, perhaps the morons will actually allow the links that were there already to be reinstated. Thanks.
There's a post already there titled 're webquest help links removed' which covers what happened, but one person giving the facts is not enough apparently, unless your name is RodgerBales (the owner of that Googlefact site).
Thanks in advance.
One of the other deleted webmasters.
i'm laughing reading through these comments...
do you guys have any clue what the movie/book is about?
every question in this quest (other than the first which is quite simple if you've ever taken geometry) is easily answered if you even remotely know what the Da Vinci Code is about.
this is what jguerry was talking about in his other post i believe...idiots are getting answers with Student_Rant's help. this is horrible...
I read the book in one 8 hour stint years ago. I'm not going to re-read the entire thing just for this.
It's just a GAME, it's too bad there has to be all this melodramatic bullsh*t.
My memory isn't good enough to recall every single detail in what is a book PACKED with details beyond belief (c'mon, let's be honest, josh, do YOU remember every detail?).
I've answered most of these questions in the various quests without any problem. But it's lovely to have a place for a hint when I do get stuck. Sometimes you just forget a detail or two and there are questions that hinge upon remembering something from the book.
The Wikipedia page gives away far more information. This blog just points in the right direction. I think it's good fun. It makes this stuff interactive. :-)
the revelator man says:
Day 10: Today is another observation puzzle, with the questions based on a new Google video which introduces the albino monk Silas. You need to watch (and listen) to the clip closely to ascertain the answers. Question 1 asks the shape of an important looking stone object which Silas finds - the answer is octagon. The second question asks what is the last thing Silas touches in the video - this refers to the 'reverse shot' from inside the font - the answer is of course holy water. Finally, the last question asks: "what is it that will ultimately be broken?" You need to have listened to the voiceover to figure out this one - the answer is silence.
btw, i didn't get the video just by clicking the link from google videos > da vinci code google quest.
You can also try finding silas through google search and that helps as well.
I don't see why everyone is panicking about giving answers/clues away. The terms of the quest seems to say something about being creative and original in a submission of sorts. I reckon the final ultimate task involves some writing entry, which makes more sense to me as to how they distingish us from each other to win the prizes. The quest is there to build up the hype.
sorry to double post, but here's the bit of the rules in google quest that I referred to, for your reference.
"This competition is a game of skill. Chance plays no part in determining the winners. All entries will be judged based on creativity & originality and the adherence to the word limit. The best valid entries, as determined by the judges, will win. Judges' decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into."
I was making that first one too hard. I was sure it was a Rose of Venus. I wasn't even thinking of simple shapes.
i wish these challenges would get harder already! i just finished #11, and it's only 10:02.
The next one is (too impatient to wait):
A palindrome
The Denon Wing
A pangram
Thank you so much! I didn't have the sound on because I didn't think I would need it. Now I know...
Where in the world is the second answer? In a church doesn't help me out.
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